Question: We have neighbor with a small hyperactive dog. Whenever I walk by, the dog yips and jumps. It even made it over the fence once. I was able to outrun the dog, but what should I do in the future if the dog catches up and actually bites me?
Answer: Animal bites are no joke. There are legal remedies against dog owners if their dog bites someone. Preserving the details of your case is essential to prevail. If a dog bites you, there are some things you should right away:
Call the police: It is important that you notify the authorities after you have been bitten. The owner needs to be notified and interviewed. The dog needs to be caught and tested for any diseases it might have. In addition, this is essential to keep anyone else from being attacked.
Document: Take pictures of the place where you were attacked, the dog (if the dog is available), and the home where the dog resides. Take photos of your injuries. Get the names of any witnesses who saw the attack and can identify the dog.
Seek medical attention: It is essential that you be seen by a physician, even if you think your injuries are minor. You can’t be sure whether the dog has been vaccinated for rabies. Without prompt medical attention, rabies can be fatal. There are no compromises on this step. It is critical for your health. In addition, stitches may be needed.
Call the local health department: Ask the medical staff to alert the local health department. If you are unsure if they have done so, make the call yourself. It is essential that they be alerted to potentially dangerous dogs in the neighborhood.
Keep records: The most important thing you can do is document each and every conversation you have—whether with the police, witnesses, dog owner or medical professionals. Keep a log of the time of the call and with whom you spoke. When it comes to collecting lost wages, medical expenses, property damage and pain and suffering, the more evidence you have the better.