There are many Frankfort area residents who enjoy riding their motorcycles. Most of the time they are free to ride safely. But, sometimes they fall victim to a motorcycle accident, in which they can suffer serious injuries.
Most drivers know they need to be aware of motorcycles on the road. Nonetheless, there are many people who are injured while riding motorcycles each year. These accidents can lead to serious injuries because of the lack of protection afforded to motorcyclists. There are certain injuries that are more common among motorcycle accident victims. Head injuries can be very serious. A motorcycle accident victim can suffer from a skull fracture or traumatic brain injury that leads to permanent brain damage. They can also become paralyzed from a neck injury. Road rash can occur when a motorcyclist slides across the pavement. Infections and nerve damage may occur from road rash. Arm injuries are also common when a biker places their hand and arm out to protect them from a fall off their bike. Nerve damage and broken wrists and arms can occur. Leg injuries from having the motorcycle fall on top of them can lead to amputation or broken bones.
There are a myriad of injuries a person can suffer if they are involved in a motorcycle accident. If a person is injured in a motorcycle accident through no fault of their own, they may want to review their personal injury law options. An attorney may be able to help their clients get the answers they deserve as to what happened to cause the accident. They may also be able to obtain compensation for their client’s medical expenses, future medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and other damages.
Being involved in a motorcycle accident often leads to serious injuries and even fatalities. It is important to hold negligent drivers responsible for their mistakes so that they don’t harm anyone else.
Source:, “Common injuries caused by motorcycle accidents“, accessed on Nov. 27, 2017