Whether it’s the United Parcel Service (UPS), commercial drivers delivering goods or other large trucks, there is always a risk that they could cause a serious collision. Commercial trucks create unique dangers to smaller vehicles. If they do cause a crash, the likelihood is that those in the smaller vehicle will be injured or could be killed.
There are many reasons why truck drivers cause accidents. Some include minor errors such as failing to signal when intending to pass. Stopping too quickly can sometimes result in crashes, too. These crashes can be catastrophic in nature, since the vehicle is so large.
Why do truck drivers cause collisions?
There are a few reasons why they cause collisions. Some of the major reasons include:
- Trying to keep up with unrealistic schedules and speeding or hurrying as a result
- Not going through enough training to drive their vehicles safely, know how to drive defensively or how to handle safety concerns
- Compensatory systems that encourage speeding or long hours for better pay
As you can imagine, a company that tells a driver that “time is money,” is going to have more drivers breaking the rules to make sure they get bonuses and higher paychecks. That’s a risk that is easy to eliminate by preventing companies from basing pay on unrealistic schedules.
What should you do if you’re in an 18-wheeler crash?
If you’re hit by an 18-wheeler, it’s a good idea to get to know where you stand legally. As long as the police have placed the other party at fault, it should be easy to file a claim against the driver or their company. In some cases, you may be able to receive further compensation if you can prove that the company was encouraging dangerous behaviors.
When you get ready to file a claim, you’ll want to gather all documents related to the crash including medical bills, medical examination records, damage reports, witness statements, the police report and other important documents. These are some of the documents that will support your case and allow your attorney to fight for a higher settlement.
By providing all this evidence and being able to tell your story of pain and suffering to your attorney, you’ll give them what they need to file an important claim for your case. Solid evidence and proof of your medical condition and how it will continue to affect you can help you receive a fair settlement.