Driving around semi-trucks can be a frightening experience, especially if you are in a small vehicle. You might even begin to wonder what happens if they side-swipe you. There are many reasons why an accident like this might occur. Unbalanced loads, empty trailers, blown tires and distracted driving can all cause an accident.
If you are ever in any kind of accident with a semi-truck, you need to know what to do.
Check for injuries
The very first thing that you want to do is make sure you and your passengers did not suffer from a major injury. Although many injuries can show up hours or days after an accident, it is important to check everyone over to make certain and move the vehicle to a safer place.
Call 911
Most semi accidents tend to be severe because of their size. The police report and any damages they witness will be in their police report. This is extremely important for insurance purposes.
Even if you do not require immediate medical assistance, request paramedics. It is always best to at least speak with medical personnel after an accident with a semi.
Document everything
As with any car accident, you should document everything, including:
- The company the semi belongs to and the insurance information
- Names of drivers and witnesses
- Photos of both vehicles and the scene
- Any notes that you can take while everything is still fresh in your mind
You may also want to take inventory of anything that hurts so you can ask your doctor later.
More semi-trucks are on the road now than in previous years. This increases the chances of being in an accident with one. It is important to be cautious around them.